Every 6 months I travel to NY for post Fashion Week buying. Every 6 months I fret about what to wear while I pound the pavement between appointments. I scour all my favorite blogs to see what the cool fashion peeps are wearing while they pound the pavement between fashion shows. Here's a few inspirational photos!!! PS: If I wore the heels they are sporting, my feet would be bleeding after about 15 minutes. Sexy shoes are reserved for après-work dinners only!

Carine and Anna

Sarah in a perfect combo! LOVE LOVE LOVE

Leanne The Man Repeller looking very cute.

Loving neon right now ~ Wait until you see Seaton Spring 2012 Collection.
Sexy Back

Crazy pants are everywhere...

Anna again looking pretty

Cool Cameos

My favorite girl Gio in a "sick" dress that I want right now to put in my suitcase. I don't know who's dress this is but I am on a mission!

My boys would like it if this were my work bag

This one is much prettier!
Off to catch my Virgin America flight. Check you later!
Hmm...maybe that dress is Marios Schwab?